Mark 2:1-12

The First Conflict with the Scribes and Pharisees SUMMARY OF MARK 2: The Palsied Man Healed. The Charge of Blasphemy. The Calling of Matthew. The Feast at the House of Matthew. Not the Whole, but the Sick Need a Physician. Fasting. New Wine in Old Bottles. Plucking Corn on the Sabbath Day. The Son of Man Lord of the Sabbath.

Again he entered into Capernaum. After his first missionary circuit of Galilee.
Many were gathered together. For notes on the healing of this paralytic see Mt 9:2-8. Compare Lu 5:17-26. As we learn from Luke, among those gathered were Pharisees and scribes from Judea, Jerusalem, and Galilee (Lu 5:17), evidently by a preconcerted arrangement. The whole incident illustrates: (1) The Divine power of Christ. He could assert that he forgave sins without blasphemy. (2) The difference between Christ and his apostles, none of whom claimed to forgive sins (see Ac 8:22-24). (3) It affords a test for all priests who claim to forgive sin. If they possessed power to forgive sins they would have power also to relieve the body of the physical consequences of sin.
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